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This Mountain Home Staffer is Running Like a Mother!

This Mountain Home Staffer is Running Like a Mother!

Mountain Home is teaming up with Runner’s Edge this Mother’s Day, May 12, for a fun-run 5K called “Run Like a Mother.” In the short interview below, a Mountain Home Case Manager shares with us why she’s excited to run, and why you should be, too! (Sign up now here!)

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m Melissa Pickett, and I’m a case manager at Mountain Home. I have two kids. They are ten and six. Oldest is Kaydence. Youngest is Makenna.


Why are you running in Run Like a Mother?

I think it’s important to be healthy for myself and my children. And I love Mountain Home. This is an incredible organization– it means a lot to me.


Why do you work so hard for the moms at Mountain Home? 

I got pregnant at 20. Had my first at 21. That’s not nearly as young as some of the moms we serve, but I know that it was difficult being a young mom.


What are some of the things that were hard for you when you were a young mom?

When I didn’t know where to turn I wish that I had had somebody who could say, “Oh! There’s all these great resources in our community!” I’m really happy that I can be that person for somebody else.

Being a case manager is great because I have this mass knowledge from the things I’ve done for myself, and I’ve also done it for others.


What’s it like for you getting to support other moms at Mountain Home?

It’s a wonderful feeling because I feel like I’m making a difference in other people’s lives. When they have nobody to turn to and no support system, I’m someone they can talk to. When they feel there’s a mountain of things they need to do and they don’t have a specific direction to go in, I can help walk beside them and encourage them to do the things they need to do to improve their and their children’s lives.

When you’re having a hard time, you feel like you’re the only one who’s gone through what you’re going through. I get to say, “That is tough. And other people have been where you are.” You know, even if you just go two steps forward and one step back, it’s still forward motion. It might not be as fast as you want it to be, but you’re still moving forward.


What do you hope to get out of running in Run Like a Mother?

I’ve never run a 5K, so that’ll be something! And it’ll be neat being a proud face of Mountain Home!


What do you hope others will get out of Run Like a Mother?

Healthy exercise is always a fantastic idea. Knowing that you are contributing to Mountain Home and everything that we are. It’s supporting young moms, and making the world a better place two generations at a time.


Anything else you’d like to share?

Mountain Home is an amazing group of women empowering other women to be the best version of themselves. That’s pretty incredible.

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Mountain Home Montana is a 501c3 organization providing shelter for young mothers who need a place to live, and a network of support as they create safe, stable, and nurturing homes of their own.

Mountain Home Montana
2606 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663

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