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Opening Another Door for Brighter Futures

The housing, childcare, and healthcare crisis is taking a toll on young parents in Montana. Mountain Home Montana provides a safe home and nurturing community where young mothers can discover their strengths and their children can thrive. Consider helping today.

Mountain Home is more than a safe place to sleep

We provide a place to live while families access mental healthcare, education, employment support, and trauma-informed childcare. Mountain Home gives families the resources and skills they need to build safe, stable homes of their own. As housing becomes more out of reach and public services diminish, Mountain Home is uniquely positioned to meet the complex challenges of the current moment. Our compassionate 24-hour staffing and evidence-based programs have proven to increase long-term family stability and break generational cycles of poverty and trauma.

Welcome to Hillside Property

In June 2023, Mountain Home became the new owner of the Hillside Property in Missoula. With the new property, Mountain Home can host 30 more families and support an additional 100 each year. This is an ideal property and location for our residents. The property sits on five acres in a quiet residential neighborhood with nearby grocery stores, bus stops, walkable trails, and public schools.

Trauma-Informed Childcare Center

We run one of Montana’s first licensed trauma-informed childcare centers and will add 32 childcare spots so more children can enter kindergarten on an equal footing.

Substance Use Recovery Services

This new building will allow us to have a separate residence for clients with substance use disorder to receive care, maintain sobriety, and stay connected with their children and family.

Strengthen Partnerships & Deepen Community Impact

We will offer on-site office hours for organizations such as All Nations, Montana Pediatrics, Partnership Health Center, YWCA of Missoula, Friends of the Children, and Families First to create a one-stop shop of support for residents while ensuring culturally specific programs.

After One Year of Mountain Home Services


had food and basis needs


had prenatal and preventative child healthcare


had stable mental health


of families found stable housing


were employed or enrolled in education programs


of families remained safe, healthy, and together

We can't do it alone.

“The Mountain Home team is ready and excited to bring our vision to life. This will be a warm and welcoming place where our residents and their children can get the help they need to build a bright future. Our expansion is realistic and achievable, but we need your help. Please support us with a donation today.”


– Steph Goble, Executive Director

Mother with baby

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Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.
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Mountain Home Montana is a 501c3 organization providing shelter for young mothers who need a place to live, and a network of support as they create safe, stable, and nurturing homes of their own.

Mountain Home Montana
2606 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663

©2024 Montana Home Montana. All rights reserved