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Celebrating 20 years of Turning Hope into Home!

Check out this heart-warming video commemorating the amazing community of women who came together to make Mountain Home possible, including Laura Snyder, who organized the people and resources to make her vision a reality; Bonnie Hamilton who donated her home and ongoing support; and Gypsy Ray, the founding executive director who led and grew the organization for more than a decade. Bonnie Hamilton's wish was that by donating her home she would change the life trajectory of at least one young mother and child. So moving to think how this effort has since provided shelter and support for over 1500 young moms and kids! 

Our History


Mountain Home was founded by Laura Snyder, who created our first Board of Directors

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We hosted our first annual Festival of Trees Benefit

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Bonnie Hamilton donated her family home and one acre of land to the organization. We opened our doors on August 7 with room for 3 young mothers and children. Gypsy Ray became our founding Executive Director

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Our home increased to 6 bedrooms

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Our client qualification age range increased to 16-24 (previously 14-19)

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Mountain Home’s 10-year anniversary celebration

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Our Transitional Living Apartments opened allowing us to provide shelter for 12 mothers and children at a time, doubling our capacity

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Mountain Home Montana earned licensing as a Mental Health Center, enabling us to offer case management, therapy, support services, respite childcare and employment support to outpatient clients as well as residential

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While celebrating our 15th anniversary, we reached a milestone of having served 700 young mothers and children

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Opened Ariya's Circle Trauma Informed Child Care Center and Children Division of Mental Health

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Our most successful Mother's Day Tea to date, raising well over $100,000 to ensure our young families thrive

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Purchase of the former Hillside Manor nursing home to expand our services

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We raised $8 million in 18 months to open our new expanded facility

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We will open our expanded facility to house up to 31 families at any one time, expand our childcare center for up to 32 children ages 0-5, and expand our mental health services to another 100 families

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Thank You, we'll be in touch soon.
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Mountain Home Montana is a 501c3 organization providing shelter for young mothers who need a place to live, and a network of support as they create safe, stable, and nurturing homes of their own.

Mountain Home Montana
2606 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663

©2024 Montana Home Montana. All rights reserved