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Mountain Home Montana Capital Campaign

Mountain Home Montana Capital Campaign

MISSOULA, MT — Today, Mountain Home is kicking off the public phase of our capital campaign to open a second location to offer critically needed support to 100 more families breaking cycles of generational trauma and poverty. We are fortunate to have already secured significant gifts from the Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation, MJ Murdock Charitable Trust, Otto Bremer Trust, and Patt and Terry Payne.

As a reminder, we purchased Hillside Health and Rehabilitation in June. This second campus will allow Mountain Home to host 20 families and provide wrap-around support to 100 additional families. The new campus will also expand the trauma-informed childcare center, provide licensed residential treatment for mothers with mental health and substance use challenges, and create a one-stop shop for parenting, healthcare, employment, support groups, child development, and financial stability while ensuring culturally specific programs for Indigenous families.

Read the rest of the story here…

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Mountain Home Montana is a 501c3 organization providing shelter for young mothers who need a place to live, and a network of support as they create safe, stable, and nurturing homes of their own.

Mountain Home Montana
2606 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663

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