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Mental Health Center

Individual Therapy and Mental Health Crisis Line

Mountain Home Montana’s Therapists work hard to provide accurate diagnoses and quality treatment for moms utilizing our Mental Health Services. Therapists provide an initial clinical assessment to better understand a client’s specific needs and aims. They then match the client with a treatment team who all collaborate together to come up with tailored, specific and achievable goals & objectives with each client. The therapies offered at Mountain Home Montana are:

  • Individual Therapy (1-on-1): Individualized therapeutic services and guidance with one of our professionals
  • Group Therapy (Circle of Security): An attachment-focused, family/peer group, that aids parents’ understanding of their child’s interaction with the world around them, and how to support them wholly through it.
  • Crisis Line: A confidential, secure telephone service available at all times to clients needing additional support from a trained crisis intervention staff member.

Therapy at Mountain Home is typically covered by most insurance. Our confidential crisis line is accessible to all clients of any age. Our therapists understand everyone has different needs – and create safe, client-centered, culturally sensitive treatment. This support can be provided at home, in the community, or at the mental health center.

All Mountain Home Montana Mental Health Center services are compliant with HIPPA regulations as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Case Management

Mountain Home Montana’s Case Managers have countless roles and responsibilities. Case managers advocate on the behalf of anyone utilizing Mountain Home for help.

This includes:

  • Helping connect clients to primary care, mental health care, dental – and they work alongside the client as well as with other community resources to maximize care and success such as:
  • Finding adequate childcare
  • Connect to nutrition, parenting, and other classes
  • Legal/court paperwork and support
  • Scholarship paperwork and support
  • Obtaining or maintaining benefits
  • Budgeting all income, fees, and debt
  • Helping enroll client’s children in school or with other specialized agencies
  • Help connect client to basic needs, transportation, and more

Case Managers meet with house residents weekly, and outpatient and apartment residents on an as-needed basis. Case Managers are at Mountain Home to provide all around support and assistance for our young moms and their children.

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Mountain Home Montana is a 501c3 organization providing families a place to live while they access basic needs, mental healthcare, education, employment support, and trauma-informed childcare. Mountain Home gives families the resources, skills, and networks they need to build their own safe, stable, and nurturing homes.

Mountain Home Montana
2606 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663

©2025 Montana Home Montana. All rights reserved