Mountain Home Montana provides a safe home and nurturing community where young mothers discover their strengths and children thrive.
Helping to strengthen community, two generations at a time.
Having a child is a beautiful experience, but can be stressful as well. Mountain Home Montana has a diverse array of supports designed to provide expecting mothers with intensive wraparound support to ensure a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period.
We offer services to young women:
Your journey as a mom will have many chapters. We hope to be a place of community with resources to help you navigate the most challenging moments. Here are some of the ways that we can help.
No one does what Mountain Home does. Their transitional residential program, substance use recovery support, evidence-based supportive education, prioritization of preventive and holistic healthcare, trauma-based childcare, and employment programs are leading models statewide and nationally.
- Chelsea Bodnar, MD, Phil, CEO - Montana Pediatrics
Making a difference for generationsIn the words of Ms. Bonnie Hamilton, ”If giving this home will help one or two young women get on the right track and I mean get an education, learn how to earn a living for herself and her child, that will be a wonderful thing!” Mountain Home Montana has been passionate about fulfilling Ms. Hamilton’s wish since 1998.
You can join us now and support a better future for a young family. No matter how much you give or donate, every dollar goes to ensuring mothers have access to a network of support to achieve their goals and create stable and nurturing homes. Your support can light the path for a brave young mother starting her journey.
Sign up here to receive the monthly Mom-umental Moments Newsletter, covering topics ranging from the beauty of the maternal brain to tips for talking to your loved ones about mental health (yours or theirs). You’ll also get important Mountain Home updates, and ways to get involved.
Mountain Home Montana is a 501c3 organization providing shelter for young mothers who need a place to live, and a network of support as they create safe, stable, and nurturing homes of their own.
Mountain Home Montana
2606 South Avenue West
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 541-4663
©2024 Montana Home Montana. All rights reserved